Party time is a time for good friends, good food and good fun. But not all parties turn out that way due to poor planning. You can make your parties successful if you avoid these 4 mistakes people typically make when planning a party of any kind.
Mistake #1 is forgetting to send out invitations. Let’s say you are planning a surprise birthday party for your husband. You have a lot of ideas in your head but you are under a little pressure since you are doing all the work yourself. Also you have to keep everything a secret from him and you have to sneak around. Your first step would be to send out invitations so people can add it to their calendar. But, you forgot to do that. You bought the invitations but didn’t write them out. The end result could be no one shows up at the party. That is a big mistake, be sure to send out invitations.
Mistake #2 is not asking people to RSVP. If you invite 60 people to the party but only 10 respond that puts you in a huge bind. You can’t know how much food to buy if you don’t have a clue how many quests to expect. While the majority of people will respond if you ask for them to RSVP, some won’t. You may have to call and check with them. Be sure to ask for an RSVP and then follow-up with those you haven’t heard from.
Mistake #3 would be not having enough food for the party. If you are planning a kid’s birthday party and most of the guests are little ones, you still need a lot of food. Kids can eat! They can surprise you how much they can eat. If you figure one hot dog per kid and only buy that many, you might find yourself in a bad situation. Always have more food on hand than you think you will need. If there are packs of leftover hot dogs you can save them for another day. But it you run out of food how do you explain that to your guests? Be sure to buy enough food.
Mistake #4 would be plan an outdoor party without any thought to weather conditions. If you don’t have a contingency plan your party could be ruined. Let’s say it rains the day of your outside party, what do you do? Is there room inside to accommodate everyone? Have you ordered a tent so that if it does rain the party can go on? No one can guaranty the weather so be sure to have plan B in place when it comes to the party location.
The party planning mistakes listed above could potentially lead to a disastrous party. Make sure you don’t make those mistakes. A little preparation can lead to a successful party.
If you’d like to make you’re life easy hire a party planner.