SLICE Weston Blog

Different Winter Party Themes and Ideas

Different Winter Party Themes and Ideas

Kids with winter birthdays don’t always have the same party options as their summer birthday friends have, and outdoor fun and activities may not always be possible. But winter has its own beauty and allure and there are a number of different winter party themes that can be used to add the interest quotient at your kid’s birthday party or even at a bar mitzvah. The coldest season can easily provide a lot of inspiration to organize the coolest party ever. (more…)

Entertainment Ideas for Your Party

Entertainment Ideas for Your Party

A lot of planning and strategizing goes into a party, regardless of how big or small it is. While things like seating arrangements, food, decorations, lighting, and music are all very important aspects of organizing any party, you also need to make sure that your guests are kept entertained. That will ensure they leave at the end of the party with fond memories of the day. (more…)

How To Plan A Party On A Budget

How to Plan a Party on a Budget

Some people have a natural talent for throwing fabulous parties and they manage to get everything right ranging from the décor, the playlist and food, seating arrangements and all. The lavishness of any party is directly related to the amount of money spent on it. But what happens if you are working on a more modest budget? Here are some tips from the experts at Slice that will help you plan a great party without breaking the bank. (more…)

Mobile Apps to Help Plan an Event

Mobile phone usage has increased exponentially over the last few years and today there is an app for almost everything. Event planners have to take a number of different aspects into consideration when they are planning an event and there are a number of mobile apps that can make the job easier; here are 5 of the most widely used ones: (more…)