The Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration is one of the most of important milestones in a Jewish person’s life. It signifies the transition from childhood to adulthood when an individual is considered responsible for his or her own actions. At Slice, we have hosted several Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and have seen just how much children enjoy Bar/Bat Mitzvah gifts. Here are some of the best options available today:
- Money
Many adults gift money in multiples of 18, which is a special number according to the Jewish tradition. Money is convenient because you don’t have to think about what to buy and recipients can purchase what they like instead of accepting something they might not like. Decide how much you want to give based on your budget and relationship with the family.
- Consider Giving a Traditional Gift
There are many beautiful and interesting traditional Jewish gifts you can give a child during Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Most guests hesitate to give traditional gifts because they worry children might find them a bit too boring. That’s not always true because many find them to be fascinating. Here are some options to consider:
- Tzedakah box
- Siddur
- Shofar
- Kiddush Cup
- Yarmulke or Kippah (only for boys)
- Torah Pointer
- Torah Art
- Star of David Mug
All of these gifts have the potential to become lifelong treasures because of their traditional and sentimental value. You can give regular gifts during a child’s birthday but a Bar/Bat Mitzvah only happens once so traditional gifts can be special.
- Jewelry
Like traditional gifts, jewelry also has a lot of value and long-term appeal. This is a wonderful choice for young girls in particular because they tend to like jewelry more than boys. A simple Star of David necklace is a great choice for both boys and girls though you can choose any design for the occasion. Some people personalize their gift by engraving the child’s name on the necklace. A ring with the Star of David or Tree of Life is also a good option though it won’t have the long-term value of a necklace.
- Give Something the Child Might Enjoy
If you’re close to the child’s parents, ask them what their kid might enjoy. Focus on educational or practical items instead of something like toys or games as Bar/Bat Mitzvah symbolizes transition to adulthood. For example, if the child really enjoys reading, buy them a gift card to a bookstore, a Kindle, or subscription to online books outlets like Audible, Barnes, and Noble, etc. If the child is interested in music, you can buy musical instruments or lessons from a local teacher. This means the kids get something they enjoy but can still learn from.
A gift card to a local arts and crafts store or online e-commerce platforms is also a good option though most guests find this to be a little to impersonal.
If you want to know more about Bar/Bat Mitzvah or our services, don’t hesitate to contact us at Slice at Weston.