Wines come in different varieties, from different countries, and with different flavors. This makes it very difficult to choose a specific type of wine if you want to gift it to someone. Wine is a great gift, especially if you know the host is a connoisseur of wine and will enjoy it.
At Slice, we recommend you follow the suggestions made below to make the wine buying process easier and ensure you make the best possible choice:
- Try to know the host’s wine preference
If you know whether the host prefers red, white, sparkling, and rose, dessert, or fortified wine, your journey to find the best wine will be easier. If you have mutual friends, you can always ask them about the host’s wine preference. This helps narrow down the options available to you and makes the decision easier.
- Ask the expert
The wine store attendants know a lot about wine and will make recommendations on request. The safest bet is to ask them about their most popular wine. Wines that sell quickly and in large volumes are bound to be fairly decent. You can always sample it to determine if it fits your preference. Professionals understand the flavors, character, and aromas of wines so they’ll recommend a good fit, especially if you know what’s on the menu.
- Go with red over white
If you’re torn between red and white wines, choose red. While one type of wine isn’t superior to the other, many believe that red wines are more sophisticated and classy. However, if you know the host prefers white wines to red, pick the white wine bottle.
- You can never go wrong with sparkling wines
You can never go wrong with a bottle of champagne. It’s well-known and almost universally appreciated. If you want to stand out and gift something different, consider Spanish Cava, Italian Prosecco, or Moscato d’Asti. These are quite popular sparkling wines with their own distinct flavors. They’re not as well-known as champagne but they will help introduce the host to something new and interesting.
- When in doubt, choose Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir is a very safe wine to gift. It’s tasty with a hint of tannins so it won’t overwhelm anyone who’s not too familiar with wine. You can find many great Pinot Noir options across different price ranges. We recommend picking a moderately priced one to ensure you get something of good quality.
- Take risks for the wine connoisseur
If the host is a wine connoisseur, they will live more obscure wines with little-known wineries. Take risks and purchase something that’s not as well-known as Champagne or Pinot Noir. For example, you can give a lover of rich red wines Barolo instead of the more popular red wines. The exotic Italian wine might impress them more than regular Pinot Noir.
If you want to know more, don’t hesitate to give us at Slice a call at 954 557 7086. We’ll provide a free quote and answer any queries you might have.